Unlike most 'diets', Perricone's diet program is not about weight loss. In fact, his latest book - Dr. Nicholas Perricone's Program doesn't even include the words "weight loss", "lose weight" or "calories" in its index.
Perricone diet is a seven-step, 28-day program designed to prevent and reverse wrinkles with a special anti-inflammatory diet, moderate exercise, topical creams, and nutritional supplements.
What's The Diet About
Dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, M.D., believes that sugar and foods with a high glycemic index such as bread, bagels, bananas, pizza, pasta, and potatoes lead to inflammation that is at the root of wrinkles and aging skin. By eliminating these foods and choosing sufficient amounts of protein and foods that produce an anti-inflammatory response such as avocado, berries, dark green leafy vegetables, and salmon, Perricone promises that skin will look younger and healthier. He provides two weeks' worth of menus for three meals plus two snacks each day and includes several recipes. He also advocates regular exercise and the use of numerous topical creams and supplements to ward off inflammation and rejuvenate skin.
Diet Plan
Rather than focus on Perricone's precise food menus, let's look at the main dietary elements of Perricone's diet plan, as follows:
Choose the Right Carbs
Choose whole grains and legumes/beans and non-instant oatmeal. Choose foods rated 50 or less on the Glycemic Index. Avoid all refined carbs and foods rated > 50 on the Glycemic Index.
Choose the Best Fruits and Vegetables (Fresh or Frozen)
Best include avocado, bell peppers, berries, cantaloupe/honeydew melons, dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale), orange-colored squash, tomatoes. Avoid dried fruits.
Eat Good Quality Dietary Protein
From fish (especially wild salmon, or canned Alaskan red/pink salmon), egg whites, skinless chicken, and turkey breast. Salmon is strongly recommended due to its rich content of the powerful antioxidant DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol).
Choose Nutritious Dietary Fats
Reduce saturated fats, avoid trans-fats (aka hydrogenated fats), avoid polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils. Instead, use extra virgin Olive oil, (rich in oleic acid which helps omega-3 fats to protect cells) and eat plenty of fish rich in EPA and DHA omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Choose Nutritious Dairy Foods (Ideally Organic)
Plain yogurt is best, Feta cheese or possibly Swiss or Cheddar cheese. Limit milk intake.
Drink Water
Perricone strongly recommends water - the elixir of life (and great skin.)
Good Sides of The Diet
The benefits of the Perricone Diet are better skin, fewer aging effects, and better protection against a host of diseases and conditions.
The foods Dr. Perricone recommends contain numerous antioxidants believed to promote overall health. It won't hurt any of us to use fewer processed foods and enjoy whole, natural foods.
Bad Sides of The Diet
The 28-day diet limits food choices and may take some getting used to. For example, you've got to love salmon, since eating it is an almost daily ritual on this plan. You've also got to have a big budget -- salmon is pricey, and so are the topical creams and supplements that Dr. Perricone touts.
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