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Monday, January 27


How many times have you tried to lose weight, dieted, counted calories - and the weight did not go away? Admit to yourself honestly: not everyone considered it. For example, cookies that were served to a colleague, a couple of sweets that a friendly barista carefully placed on a saucer - how many other food “little things” that you turned a blind eye to?
These simple habits will easily enter your life and help you more closely monitor your diet. So - losing weight will be more effective. So, let's begin.

10 useful habits for losing weight

1. "For the record"
Make a habit of keeping a food synopsis and recording everything that you send into your stomach. Even what seems insignificant. The same cookies, a glass of juice or a spoonful of sugar that was put in tea, candy, marmalade - that's all! Believe me, when you analyze all this in the evening, you’ll be surprised that an extra 300-400 kilocalories were taken in your carefully planned diet.
You can record it in the evenings. Is it hard to remember what they ate for breakfast? Keep notes throughout the day. To do this, you can use:
Special application programs (FatSecret for example);
A small notebook that fits in your pocket.
Such notes will help you take a more responsible attitude to snacks. If you decide to purchase a nutrition program, such a diary will help in determining your nutritional weaknesses, as well as your current nutritional status. Also, by analyzing the recordings, you will be able to understand exactly what time you are most hungry for and why. This will make it possible to plan or replace the "unplanned" snacks planned and more useful.

2. "A clear schedule"

Schedule your meals. There should be five of them:
For instance:
Breakfast7-8 in the morning to gain strength;

Lunch at 10-11 in the morning will help to avoid snacks during the period when you are most active and wait for dinner;

Lunch - in the interval from 13 to 14, when the body needs to restore the energy expended on the work;

An afternoon snack will help to keep working longer. At 4-5 o’clock in the evening, we feel tired, and we want to eat something sweet to cheer up. Isn't it better to replace sweets with something more useful ?;

Night Dinner - should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The hungry growl in the stomach will not let you fall asleep, and if you eat yourself right before bedtime, morning heaviness in the stomach and weight gain are guaranteed.

Such a schedule has several advantages.


Firstly. The body gets used to producing digestive enzymes at a clearly planned time.

2. you maintain the energy level all day - in the end, you don’t really want sweets and junk food (fast carbohydrates, the task of which is to saturate the body as quickly as possible). In this case, the body consumes calories gradually: received 150-200, spent them in 3 hours, received a new portion. And nothing is stored in fat.
3. with this regimen, hungry headaches do not appear.
3. "Eat breakfast yourself"
After nightly starvation, insulin levels drop, and in order to maintain working capacity, the body needs “fuel”. If you skip the morning meal - in an hour or two you want to
eat. Moreover, the choice will fall on a chocolate bar or a bag of chips - something that will cheer you up, increase insulin in a couple of minutes and give energy. But such a jump should be followed by an equally sharp decline: soon you will want to eat again, and the body will store excess calories in case you decide to postpone the meal again. Therefore, breakfast is an obligatory part of the weight loss program.
4. "When it is impossible to resist ".
On the way from work, I do want to have a fragrant bun in a favorite cafe or eat a bar when leaving the store. Restrain yourself in these minutes. Such high-calorie snacks can become a habit, not at all useful. Do you remember that we record everything we ate? So, such an unscheduled snack will make you refuse dinner. And then you either can’t fall asleep, or you’ll break down and eat something very high-calorie again - right before bedtime.
5. "More water"
Water balance is the key to well-being. Many take thirst for a feeling of hunger because they eat beyond measure. With dehydration, headache and weakness often occur. We take them for overwork - and eat something high-calorie.
Normally, you need to drink about 30-40 ml of pure water for every kilogram of weight. To do this, always keep a bottle of water on hand, take a few sips three times per hour. A short pause will help to relax a bit, and at the same time to replenish the water balance.
A glass of water at room temperature should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach - this will help wake the body, start the metabolism. It is also recommended to drink water 20 minutes before eating.
6. "If you really want it, you can"
Compliance with any nutritional system can drive one crazy, many have a fear of food, orthorexia, and all the resulting sad consequences! Arrange yourself a feast of disobedience, cheat, or refid

Actively losing weight can safely replace one meal with a forbidden meal once every 2-3 weeks! Choose one of the most desired products or dishes. It can be a piece of cake, a hamburger, ice cream, fried potatoes, and other harmful things. And do not be afraid! A starving body will burn everything without a trace! 
It is easiest to do this for dinner, to protect yourself from the further desire to pile on "sinful" food throughout the day. And don't weigh yourself the next morning!

7. "You can’t forbid eating beautifully"
Few people like boiled broccoli. But if you serve it beautifully, lay it out with a figurine, decorate with slices of vegetables - the dish will seem tastier. Therefore, do not spare the extra five minutes to make a healthy dish beautiful. So you will perceive it as more beautiful and tasty, it will bring more pleasure.
8. The Chef.
Let's learn to cook healthy dishes deliciously. Tens of thousands of recipes from healthy and non-nutritious foods can be found on the Internet today. Just steamed vegetables - boring. Choose for yourself several options for combining them - to taste, color, add different spices. A good cook can create a masterpiece from the simplest ingredients. Another plus - you will definitely know how much and what you ate, that the dish was completely natural, it did not have hidden sugar or anything else not very healthy.
9. “Ideal serving size
How to correctly calculate the amount of food at one time will be discussed in a separate article.
10. "Lunch with you"
Many are embarrassed to carry food and have a bite to eat in cafeterias, cafes, tea with chocolates, hamburgers. Calculate how many extra calories you have consumed in the last month - only because it seemed that they would not look at you if you remove a container of salad from your bag. Here they are, that extra couple of kilograms that never come off.
Carrying snacks with you is convenient - you always know what you ate. This is economical: what you cooked at home costs 2-3, or even 5 times cheaper than a snack in fast food. Choose beautiful lunchbox - and go. There is no need to carry diet soup or steam cutlets, the aroma of which will soar in the workroom for a long time. Take a salad, a whole grain bread sandwich, vegetable stew - something that will not go bad in a few hours and does not have a pungent smell. Perhaps it is you who will become the trendsetter of the new fashion for healthy eating in your team.

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