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Monday, January 27

Aromatherapy Oils Are Good For You

Aromatherapy is blowing over the nation, and most people don't even know it. Check your dish soap, your shampoo, and maybe even your toothpaste, and you'll see. The ingredient list may say that the product contains aromatherapy essential oils, or that it contains the essence of lemon, orange, or some other sweet-smelling plant. In-home design stores everywhere, candles made with aromatherapy oil instilled in them are hopping off the shelves.
This secret success of aromatherapy is a good indication that it works. At the very least, products with aromatherapy essential oils in them smell good. At best, aromatherapy oil provides solid health benefits, reduces stress, and improves your quality of life.
Taken literally, aromatherapy means "treatment using scents". It has its roots in ancient holistic medicine. Aromatherapy experts for years have relied on aromatherapy essential oils made from plants like rose, lavender, lemon, peppermint, and jasmine to take care of their skin, energize their mind, relax their muscles, and awaken their soul.
Aromatherapy oil can be infused in a candle. It can be burned directly over an oil burner, which then disperses the fragrance into the air to breathe in. Aromatherapy essential oils can also be mixed with fatty lotions and rubbed into the skin, or they can be dripped into a warm bath. There are about 150 aromatherapy essential oils, each with its own beneficial effects.

It's a bit trickier to explain exactly how they work. Some experts, though, believe that they directly affect our mind through the sense of smell. After all, the sense of smell is one of our most powerful senses, capable of picking up 10,000 different scents. Of course, some of them aren't good scents! But the ones that are good enter into our central nervous system through the tiny hairs in our nose, traveling then to the section of the brain in charge of mood, memory, learning, and emotion.
Who "nose" if aromatherapy essential oils actually work like this. One thing is for sure. They do smell nice.

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